What Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
Approximately one in five Americans and close to one billion people worldwide suffer from some form of mental illness as of 2019. General anxiety disorder (GAD) is the most common of these illnesses, with nearly half of all Americans being diagnosed with some sort of anxiety disorder over the course of their lifetime.
Worrying is a normal response to life situations, but most people can control worry by dealing with the problems or distracting themselves with other activities. Individuals with GAD tend to worry about everyday activities without cause, waiting for something to go wrong and generally living their daily lives in constant fear or worry.
The symptoms of GAD can last a long time and even be lifelong when left unaddressed. Typically, an individual with GAD is worried about a specific event — for example, an upcoming surgery or current finances. Once the situation rectifies itself, these feelings of excessive worry pass. GAD is often an ongoing condition that returns and can affect a person’s ability to function. It’s just one of the five major anxiety disorders.