Author Archives: Restore Mental Health

The Intriguing Link Between Depression and Memory

Link between memory and depression

Depression can be a debilitating illness that affects different areas of your life. One often-overlooked aspect of depression is its impact on memory. Can depression cause memory loss? It can be difficult to quantify and measure the effects of depression on memory, but there’s evidence to suggest a link between the two. Recalling memories is […]

When to End a Friendship for the Sake of Your Mental Health

When to end a friendship for your mental health

From lending a helping hand when moving to a new place to gushing over the latest drama at brunch, good friendships can fulfill all kinds of needs in our lives. Cultivating healthy friendships takes work, but having a dedicated crew to support you has numerous advantages. So, what happens when a friendship turns toxic and […]

When Counting Calories Becomes an Obsession

Whe counting calories becomes an obsession

Most people have considered counting calories at some point in their adult lives. You might’ve focused on your calorie intake leading up to a significant life event, like a wedding or vacation, or simply felt the pressure to watch your weight as the summer months and swimsuit season approached. There are plenty of apps available […]

Psychotropic vs. Psychedelics vs. Psychoactive: A Guide

Differnces of psychedelics, psychotropics, psycoactive

Updated September 13, 2023 In day-to-day life, the terms “psychoactives,” “psychedelics,” and “psychotropics” are often used interchangeably. While each type of drug has some effect on the brain, there are differences between them. The classification can be difficult to grasp because many drugs overlap in different categories. For example, all psychedelic drugs are psychoactive, but […]

The Critical Importance of Sleep for Mental Health

The critical importance of mental health

When you’re working on your mental health, sleep can be a big part of your overall recovery plan. There’s often a connection between anxiety, depression, ADHD and sleep — and when you’re dealing with a mental health condition, getting adequate rest is essential.  A lack of sleep can also create a cycle of mental health […]

5 Tips for Active Listening in a Mental Health Crisis

Active Listening Tips

Empathy and mental health are closely linked. Without the ability to understand others, you’re not as well-equipped to help someone who’s experiencing things you’re unable to relate with. By learning and practicing some active listening techniques, you have a much better chance of guiding someone who’s in a mental health crisis toward the help they […]

The Mental Health Impact of a Botched Cosmetic Surgery

Botched Cosmetic Surgery

Updated June 12, 2023 Self-esteem: People try to raise it; some experiences lower it; books are written about it; and therapists spend hours discussing it. It pervades many parts of life and connects to self-perception. Increasingly, people turn to plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures to build their self-esteem. The opposite can happen, though. The […]

What a Terminal Diagnosis Can Mean for Your Mental Health

Terminal Diagnosis and mental health concerns

There are few experiences more devastating than being diagnosed with a terminal illness. The feelings of grief that come with such a diagnosis can in some cases be more painful even than the illness itself, and for up to 77% of terminal patients, this can evolve into depression, anxiety and panic. One of the factors […]