Author Archives: Restore Mental Health

Rapid Resolution Therapy – What It Is and Treats

What is Rapid Resolution Therapy

To many people, the word ‘therapy’ brings to mind one-hour sessions where they talk to a therapist who just nods along and agrees with what they say. However, trauma comes in different forms, so addressing and treating it calls for different interventions. Rapid resolution therapy, or RRT therapy, is an alternative trauma intervention method that’s […]

Conquering Workplace Stress: 6 Tips for Managing Work-Life Balance

Managing work life balance

The average person will spend one-third of their life at work. As a result, it’s undeniable that work plays a significant role in our lives. Many people put in additional hours at work to get ahead, to make a good impression or because they find fulfillment in their work. But stress from your job can […]

Conquering Workplace Stress: 5 Tips for Identifying Burnout

identifying signs of burnout

Feeling stressed from work? You’re not alone. A recent study shows that nearly three of five employees were dealing with negative impacts from workplace stress, such as lack of motivation, emotional exhaustion and physical fatigue. More serious problems begin when stress snowballs into burnout. Read on to learn more about the difference between the two, […]

Movie Depictions of Schizophrenia That Are More Accurate

Movie Depictions of Schizophrenia that are more Accurate

Movies rarely portray mental illnesses well. If they aren’t making fun of people with mental conditions, they mix up the symptoms purely for dramatic flare or as a plot device. More often than not, movies with characters with schizophrenia fall into the latter category, focusing more on sensationalizing the condition rather than showing the nuanced […]

How You Can Be Emotionally Stuck at the Age of Trauma

Emotionally stuck at age of trauma

Picture yourself at a social outing with your closest friends and acquaintances. In the company of those we’re comfortable with, we often let our defenses down, opening ourselves to playful banter and friendly ribbing. However, in the midst of all the innocent fun, you feel one of their jabs cut a little too deep. Are […]

The Attention Seeking Facets of Histrionic Disorder

Histrionic Disorder

Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is also known as an attention-seeking disorder, which is an apt description. People with this disorder live for attention and will do whatever they can to stay in the spotlight. Their sense of self-worth is dependent on the approval of others. HPD sufferers are viewed as overly dramatic, emotional and unpredictable. […]

Conquering Workplace Stress: 5 Tips for Managing Interpersonal Conflicts

Tips for managing interpersonal conflict

Workplace stress due to interpersonal workplace conflicts can make daily life on the job unbearable, and the resulting anxiety or depression from various examples of interpersonal conflict can take a toll on your mental health. Imagine a workplace scenario where your boss openly loses their temper with you due to a mistake you made. They […]

Trouble Setting Boundaries in Relationships? Assertiveness Tips

Trouble setting boundaries tips for being assertive

As social creatures, we have an innate need to form close bonds with other people. While relationships can help us bloom, they can also drain us and reduce us to shadows of our true selves. The latter case is common, with 90% of Americans experiencing dysfunctional relationships. Thus, there’s a need to set boundaries, meaning […]

Conquering Workplace Stress: Tips for Maximizing Productivity

Conquering Workplace Strss

Stress is something that can affect people from all walks of life. Arming yourself with stress management techniques for work can help you stay productive and healthy. However, if the stress you’re faced with goes beyond tight deadlines at the end of a project and starts to interfere with your day-to-day life, it may be […]