Author Archives: Restore Mental Health

What to Expect During Anxiety Treatment

What you should expect during anxiety treatment

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting millions of people each year. The CDC reports that 12.5% of American adults experience an anxiety or depression disorder in any given year. When symptoms of anxiety become overwhelming, they can disrupt daily life, relationships and overall well-being. In severe cases, inpatient therapy for […]

How to Support a Loved One with Anxiety

How to support a loved one with anxiety

Approximately 4% of the global population struggles with an anxiety disorder, but the prevalence in the United States is much higher. Here, almost 20% of adults have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders, and many more struggle with overwhelming and debilitating feelings of worry and fear. If someone you love is struggling and you’re not sure […]

How Women’s Depression Can Differ from Men’s

Women's Mental Health Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions worldwide, but it doesn’t affect all individuals in the same way. Women are nearly twice as likely as men to experience depression, according to a 2023 report from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Women’s depression can be especially pernicious, and not just because […]

Common Mental Health Profile of Cult Leaders

Cult Leader - Common Mental Health

Cults are an interesting phenomenon in the way humans work. These groups tend to be insular, with active resistance to outside influences and other potentially very toxic behavior. The way cult members think has been the subject of study for decades, such as the work of D.M. Slade, et al., who estimate that roughly one-third […]

The Game of “Throning”: Mental Health Effects

Throning - Mental Health Effects

‘Throning’ is a fairly new term for an old social dynamic. Find out more about throning and its impact on mental health below. What Is ‘Throning’ in Social Dynamics? Throning refers to the act of engaging in a relationship with someone with the primary goal of boosting your own standing. For example, throning in dating […]

Differences with Male Depression

The differences with male depression

Depression is one of the most widespread mental conditions in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 5% of the global population suffers from depression. Statistically, it’s known that more women than men suffer from depression, but that doesn’t mean men aren’t significantly impacted. In fact, male depression symptoms and how men react […]