Author Archives: Restore Mental Health

Differences with Male Depression

The differences with male depression

Depression is one of the most widespread mental conditions in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 5% of the global population suffers from depression. Statistically, it’s known that more women than men suffer from depression, but that doesn’t mean men aren’t significantly impacted. In fact, male depression symptoms and how men react […]

If Depression a Chemical Imbalance — What Causes It

Depression is it a chemical imbalance

Depression is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions in the country. Around 23% of Americans who sought mental health treatment in 2023 were diagnosed with it. But what causes depression in the brain? While most people have heard the condition described as a chemical imbalance, the science behind it is a bit more […]

10 Easy Tips to Improve Mind-Body Wellness

10 Easy Tips to Improve Mind-Body Wellness

The common phrase used to dismiss a person’s worries, “It’s all in your mind,” suggests that thoughts and feelings are isolated from the rest of the body. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Your mental health affects your physical well-being and vice versa. Thinking about mind-body wellness as a whole rather than two separate […]

The Most Horrible Mental Health Treatments in History

Horrible Mental Health Treatments from History

We are lucky to live in an era when mental health is taken seriously and scientifically backed treatments are widely available most of the time. Unfortunately, this was not always the case. In the past, those with mental illness were often made to live in asylums or forced to undergo strange, cruel, or dangerous treatments. […]

What Is “Scopophobia” and Its Link to Anxiety?

What Is "Scopophobia" and Its Link to Anxiety?

Most people feel uncomfortable when someone stares at them. Sometimes, this discomfort can escalate into anxiety, especially if you’re in a situation where you’re the center of attention. For people with scopophobia—the excessive fear of being stared at—someone watching them can be debilitating. Rather than “just” being stared at, scopophobia can feel as though the […]

What Is High-Functioning ADHD?

What Is High-Functioning ADHD?

Endless TV and movie streaming options, social media sites designed to hold our attention and the incessant “ding!” of phone notifications — it’s no wonder most of us are more distracted than ever. However, for individuals with high-functioning attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, paying attention and staying focused can be an even more difficult task. High-functioning […]