Neuro Rehab and Mental Health

Many people still wrongly think addiction is a choice or a lack of self-discipline. However, addiction is a physiological brain disease, making it incredibly difficult to change. Neurofeedback and addiction recovery is just one of the many areas of brain rehabilitation that’s becoming more widely available. 

With the growing recognition of the importance of the brain in behavior, neurorehabilitation practices have increased since 2000. While the idea that mental health can be improved by noninvasively interfacing with the brain is still fairly new to psychology, it’s starting to really take off.  Despite its novelty, research has shown revolutionary results, and neuro-assisted recovery treatments are becoming more mainstream. 

What Is Neuro Rehab?

Neurorehabilitation consists of a collection of cutting-edge treatments for disorders of mental health or addiction. It focuses on the role the brain plays in perpetuating such disorders and aims to tackle brain-related psychological problems by measuring brain activity, providing neurofeedback and stimulating the brain. Whether it’s noninvasive brain stimulation for depression or neurofeedback and addiction, Restore Mental Health offers a range of effective neurological treatments to improve mental health.   

Our Neurorehabilitation Services

Restore Mental Health is a proud provider of state-of-the-art mental health recovery programs. The field of psychology is constantly developing, and we believe it’s important to stay ahead of the curve with research and treatment. 

Comprehensive Neuropsychological Testing 

Upon entrance to our treatment program, our patients undergo a thorough evaluation. We evaluate several important psychological criteria, such as symptoms, clinical history and results from our neurological testing and brain mapping. The intensity of symptoms, as well as brain dysregulation, are all considered during a patient’s admission evaluation in order to determine the best treatment strategy for each one. 

EEG Brain Mapping

Measuring is necessary to help get an understanding of what’s happening in the brain. This way, your brain’s activity can be compared to that of a healthy individual and areas of dysregulation can be identified. This helps in the diagnosis and treatment planning process. As your brain is electrically conductive and brain cells or neurons communicate with each other via electrical signals, measurement is often done with EEG (electroencephalography). 

EEG brain mapping picks up on the electrical activity in your brain. Getting a measurement involves wearing a cap over your head and having many small metal discs or electrodes placed on your scalp. EEG is noninvasive and totally painless. 

Heart Rate Variability & Biosound Monitoring

At Restore Mental Health, we recognize how living with addiction or another mental health problem may have a wide-ranging impact on the body. As a result, we adopt a comprehensive approach to treating addiction that includes our neurorehabilitation therapies.

During each session, our heart rate variability (HRV) and biosound/biofeedback therapies measure pulse, blood pressure and respiration rates to determine efficacy.

Biosound patients are led to a state of brainwave activity that mimics the initial stage of sleep by using specially created binaural sounds and vibrational stimulation. During this meditative state, our patients listen to a number of audio selections meant to promote positive affirmations and improve emotions of self-worth.

Neurofeedback Training

Neurofeedback, otherwise known as EEG biofeedback, is a type of therapy that uses a computer-based system to measure brainwave activity and provide direct feedback to the patient. The program then reorganizes or retrains these brain connections using audio or visual signals. Patients can learn to control and enhance their brain function, which can lead to a long-term reduction of negative symptoms.

Many developments have been made in neurofeedback and addiction therapy. Considering that about 10% of adults in the U.S suffer from addiction, the potential benefit from this treatment is massive. 

Neurofeedback addiction treatment with Restore Mental Health teaches you how to self-regulate parts of your brain that have been dysregulated by drugs and alcohol. It teaches you how to cope with the sadness, anger and guilt often experienced as a result of substance abuse.

Transcranial Stimulation

Transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) is a painless, noninvasive way to activate and deactivate different areas of the brain’s outer layer. Using an electromagnetic current, it can send a pulse into the brain. Drug and alcohol abuse often deregulate certain areas of the brain. Transcranial stimulation can counteract the damage by promoting optimal brain activity.  Noninvasive transcranial stimulation has been empirically proven to treat various psychiatric disorders, including depression. 

Neurorehabilitation and Mental Health

Opting for neurorehabilitation for recovery is considered more desirable than medical treatment. Unlike many medications used for mood or substance abuse disorders, neurorehabilitation practices have no known side effects.  Neurofeedback can be used to treat ADHD, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, substance abuse disorder, insomnia and schizophrenia. It can also be used as an intervention for autistic spectrum disorder and pain management. 

The holistic nature of neuro-rehab therapy offers hope for a promising future in mental health treatment. The lack of known side effects offers a preferable option to typical pharmaceutical treatment for psychological disorders. This is especially true when it comes to depression treatment. Antidepressants are extremely widespread in the U.S. despite having many undesirable side effects, suboptimal efficacy and tolerance effects. 

Approximately 13% of citizens take antidepressant medication in the U.S., and that number is likely to continue to increase. Neurorehabilitation therapies offer society a way out of the vicious pharmaceutical cycle, and Restore Mental Health is excited to see where future research will lead.

Ready To Take the First Step to Recovery?

Neurorehabilitation consists of several different treatments that focus on rehabilitating the brain. It’s relatively new, having only boomed over the last several decades. However, due to its high efficacy and low risk, it’s set to become more prevalent in treatment in the coming years. 

Restore Mental Health is an addiction center that provides comprehensive neuro-rehab treatments to help patients overcome substance use and mental health disorders. We combine EEG brain mapping, transcranial stimulation and neurofeedback to promote optimal brain functioning. 

Are you struggling to take care of yourself and feel like you need help getting back to mental health? Reach out to us today. Our team of professionals is standing by, ready to take your call.