Monthly Archives: February 2025

Anxiety vs. Everyday Stress? The Differences

Anxiety vs. Everyday Stress? The Differences

Stress and anxiety are prevalent issues today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 12.5% of people over the age of 18 report regularly feeling nervous, worried or anxious. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) notes that around 83% of workers in the United States report work-related stress, with more […]

Heather Locklear: Transparency About Mental Health

Heather Locklear on her mental health

In the early 1990s, Heather Locklear was a rising star on television’s Melrose Place. The fantastical, romance-laden evening soap tackled a wide range of topics, including substance abuse and mental health. In the decades since, Locklear’s life has followed the same trend as she’s struggled with mental health and addiction challenges — often with the […]

What Is Manic Depression?

Understanding manic depression and how it affects you

Manic depression, now more commonly referred to as bipolar disorder, is a common mental health condition marked by extreme shifts in mood, energy and activity levels. According to Johns Hopkins, approximately 9.5% of American adults live with some form of depressive illness, including bipolar disorder. While the term “manic depression” is sometimes used casually to […]

What to Expect During Anxiety Treatment

What you should expect during anxiety treatment

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting millions of people each year. The CDC reports that 12.5% of American adults experience an anxiety or depression disorder in any given year. When symptoms of anxiety become overwhelming, they can disrupt daily life, relationships and overall well-being. In severe cases, inpatient therapy for […]

How to Support a Loved One with Anxiety

How to support a loved one with anxiety

Approximately 4% of the global population struggles with an anxiety disorder, but the prevalence in the United States is much higher. Here, almost 20% of adults have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders, and many more struggle with overwhelming and debilitating feelings of worry and fear. If someone you love is struggling and you’re not sure […]