5 Calming Supplements for Anxiety

Calming supplements for anxiety

Learning how to manage your anxiety levels can help you cope with traumatic life events, work-related pressure and other life-changing situations. Stress and anxiety are the leading causes of diseases such as heart attacks, obesity and strokes. Taking control of your mental health by taking supplements for anxiety can lessen the risk of stress-related conditions.

One study shows that 31.1% of adults in the United States will suffer from some kind of anxiety disorder in their lifetime. That’s a high statistic, which is why it’s important to address your anxiety. The natural anxiety remedies and supplements listed below can help improve your lifestyle.

What Is a Supplement?

A supplement is used to enhance your diet and provide therapeutic relief. It’s usually a combination of vitamins and minerals that target deficiencies within your body. A stressed nervous system is often the result of chronic inflammation. Studies show that people suffering from anxiety have elevated inflammatory markers, which can be regulated by taking the right combination of supplements.

Vitamins for anxiety can certainly help with daily stress but may not be effective for clinically diagnosed mental health disorders from chemical imbalances. Such medical disorders can include bipolar-associated anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and panic disorder.

Supplements for Anxiety

While some of the calming supplements for anxiety listed below can elevate your mood, you might need help from a psychiatrist to manage your anxiety. There’s certainly no shame in asking for help — it’ll do wonders for your well-being.


Magnesium is a mineral found in leafy green vegetables, whole grains and nuts. It’s believed to be vital for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. Some studies claim that magnesium is the missing link in mental health. Magnesium enhances the calming actions of certain receptors in the body by blocking excitatory neurotransmitters. It’s a good regulator for the body’s nervous system and can inhibit the release of cortisol, a stress hormone partly responsible for weight gain.

People with a magnesium deficiency might not be able to absorb the necessary amount from food for healthy functioning, which is why a supplement is needed. Symptoms of a deficiency include depression, fatigue, anxiety, stress and headaches.


The hormone melatonin regulates sleeps patterns and helps to keep the body’s circadian rhythms in check. Humans need darkness to produce melatonin. The pineal gland is responsible for synthesizing the hormone in the early hours of the morning. Factors such as age, too much light at night and disease can wreak havoc on melatonin levels. This causes lack of sleep and insomnia, which in turn can cause anxiety levels to rise.

To help ease your anxiety, you can improve your sleep patterns. Taking an over-the-counter melatonin supplement may improve both your sleeping habits and mental health.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most popular natural anxiety remedies on the market and is considered safe by the World Health Organization. Nonpsychoactive CBD is one of the most successful complementary therapies for anxiety and can also treat a multitude of other health conditions. CBD comes from the cannabis sativa plant and appears in various forms. You may need to consult an expert to find out the correct dosage and the best method of consumption for your body.

CBD is believed to have neuroprotective properties for your brain, which essentially means it can help protect the brain from oxidative stress. CBD works with the brain’s cannabinoid receptors to help improve anti-inflammatory responses by blocking enzymes responsible for inflammation. According to recent studies, inflammation in the body can be a breeding ground for anxiety and other mental health disorders.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is one of the oldest and most well-known remedies for people suffering from mild anxiety. St. John’s Wort is actually a shrub that’s cultivated for medicinal use and is native to Africa, Asia and Europe. Although this home remedy is popular, care needs to be taken with dosages.

St. John’s Wort works by helping to release serotonin, a chemical responsible for regulating moods, in the brain. A lack of serotonin can lead to depression, anxiety and digestive disorders.

Vitamins B9 and B12

Increasing your vitamin intake is an easy and effective way of improving your overall health. Vitamins such as B9 and B12 complex work to help the brain function well. Vitamin B9 — otherwise known as folic acid — helps to synthesize feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin. Vitamin B12 is a nutrient responsible for nerve function and producing red blood cells and DNA. An overactive nervous system can lead to symptoms of anxiety, so taking B vitamins could help regulate that.

Vitamin B9 and B12 taken together can help with both mood and energy levels. While it’s possible to absorb these nutrients from certain food groups, an extra boost might be needed. The recommended daily allowance of B12 for adults is 2,400 micrograms and 400 micrograms for B9. Both vitamins are soluble in water, which means your body will eliminate any excess without causing any side effects.

Start off by increasing the amount of vitamin B-rich foods you eat before reaching for a supplement. Foods rich in vitamin B9 include liver, seafood, beans and peanuts. Augment your vitamin B12 intake by increasing your consumption of milk, cheese, fish and eggs. If you’re on a plant-based diet you may need to take supplements and add more fortified nondairy milks to your diet.

Take Control of Your Mental Health

You can find many active ways to manage day-to-day stresses, but taking natural supplements for anxiety can also help to clear your mind. Feeling overwhelmed can lead into a downward spiral of anxiety where even the smallest task can seem insurmountable — this impacts both your physical and mental health. For day-to-day stresses, consider natural anxiety medication.

If your symptoms don’t improve or you suspect that you have an undiagnosed mental health condition, then don’t be ashamed to contact Restore. Our caring team is available to help you work out coping mechanisms and help you figure out what needs to be done to alleviate your anxiety levels.