Author Archives: Kristina Robb Dover

Patton Oswalt: Hard Lessons in Grief and Mental Health

Patton Oswalt - Experiencing Grief and Mental Health

In 2016, the actor Patton Oswalt lost his wife of 11 years. In the months and years that followed, Oswalt was open about his experience with loss and grief, creating opportunities for conversations about what it means to mourn. Introduction: Overview of Patton Oswalt’s Career and Public Persona Best known for his roles in The […]

Common Mental Health Issues Among Wheelchair Users

Wheelchair Users and Mental Health

The treatment of disabled individuals in the United States before World War II was cruel and heartless. Forced sterilization of mentally or physically incapacitated people occurred with little pushback from society at this time. In his book Eugenic Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in America, author Alex Stern states: “…supported by legislators, social […]

Common Mental Health Issues Among Stroke Survivors

Mental Health Issues among stroke survivors

A stroke is a life-threatening condition that can be devastating and debilitating. Not only do stroke survivors face ongoing physical limitations, but they also must contend with psychological constraints. Wheelchair users’ mental health can also be severely compromised. With more than 80 million stroke survivors worldwide, the need for post-stroke care and ongoing support continues […]

How Teletherapy Can Improve Patient Outcomes

How Teletherapy can improve patient outcomes

One of the biggest obstacles in managing mental health problems is the lack of access to treatment. In many areas, the average person simply doesn’t have many options for counseling. Sometimes, they may not have any accessible therapists. However, that is changing thanks to a massive increase in telehealth services. Now, rather than having to […]

Not Seeing Things: Mental Health with a Visual Impairment

Not Seeing Things

Vision loss impacts the way you experience and navigate the world. For many people, not only does it affect their ability to enjoy favorite hobbies, connect with loved ones and monitor their surroundings, but it can lead to a loss of confidence and independence. This often has a profound impact on their mental health. Fortunately, […]