Laughing is one of the strangest things that human beings do. Everybody has their own way of doing it, but the basic act is a series of short barks and staccato breathing that other people instinctively respond to — sometimes with laughter of their own. It seems to be social and it usually feels good, […]
Author Archives: Restore Mental Health
Parenting is stressful under the best of circumstances. However, parenting with PTSD is even more so, especially if you haven’t received treatment to manage the symptoms of this mental health condition. Unfortunately, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is significantly more common than most people think. In fact, a little over 1 in 16 people struggle with […]
It can happen before you know it. A night of binge eating after a bad breakup. Skipping a few meals to fit into that outfit for the big event. Then seemingly out of nowhere, you’ve developed an eating disorder or ED that’s causing all kinds of damage to your health and well-being. While teenagers and […]
What do a particularly tough day at work, the birth of a new family member and watching The Notebook have in common? They are all examples of times when it’s perfectly normal to shed a few tears. We all get choked up every now and again, but crying hasn’t always enjoyed broad social support. Crying […]
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD as a neurodevelopment disorder, and it’s most often diagnosed in children. Symptoms include difficulty paying attention, impulsive behavior and constant activity. In children, it can lead to being forgetful and losing things, having poor impulse control and fidgeting excessively. But is ADHD […]
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed medications for moderate to severe depression. Many people who take SSRIs report unwanted side effects that Include bruxism. In other words, you may find yourself grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw after taking this type of medication. If you experience SSRI antidepressant bruxism, discover why it […]
Those living in the United States aren’t strangers to mass surveillance. Most cities now have extensive monitoring systems that can capture individuals hundreds of times on camera each day. Edward Snowden’s revelations about the ability of the National Security Agency to collect personal data sparked a vigorous public debate back in 2013. In the age […]
Updated July 5th, 2023 Dealing with substance use disorder is hard enough when it’s just you, and it can be heart-wrenching when it’s someone you love. Growing up with parents addicted to drugs can be an even heavier burden because kids lack many coping strategies adults can use to deal with the stress and worry […]
Every relationship comes with its own set of complications, but if you or your partner has bipolar disorder, it may cause a lot of emotional turbulence. Not knowing what to expect on a daily basis or how to communicate with your partner are the top reasons why bipolar relationships fail. Understanding this mental health condition, […]
The link between PTSD and social anxiety is undeniable, and many people living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) isolate themselves as a result. If you have a loved one who has been diagnosed with PTSD and notice signs of social withdrawal, it’s important to understand how to approach them about this sensitive topic and ways […]