Are you bipolar and spending money on items you don’t need during a manic episode? If so, you’re not alone. Compulsive shopping is common among people diagnosed with bipolar disorder as part of their erratic behavior during a manic episode. Someone who’s bipolar and spending money on expensive items they don’t truly want or need […]
Everyone lies sometimes. These little white lies or distortions aren’t usually problematic — though they could still erode trust. Major or frequent lies, on the other hand, can be a big problem for one’s social, professional, and romantic life. Some people lie frequently, even when there’s no real reason to. In fact, research on lying […]
What are the real mental illness and violence facts you need to know? Find out what the relationship is between the rise in violent crime and mental health. Nearly one in five Americans (52.9 million) has some kind of mental illness. The vast majority of people with such a disorder live peacefully and generally don’t […]
Sometimes, society and the media downplay the impact of common mental health conditions on people, such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With the rise in counseling and meditation apps, many people suffering from these conditions are strongly encouraged to use them as their sole source of support. Speaking to an online therapist […]
Find out when stress turns into anxiety. Learn about other conditions that may occur with anxiety and explore signs that you may benefit from rehab for anxiety. More than 40 million Americans over the age of 18 have chronic anxiety, making anxiety disorders the most common mental illness in the U.S. Rehab for anxiety can […]
Every 11 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies by suicide. In 2023, over 49,000 people died by suicide, leaving behind grieving friends and family members. Learning what causes suicidal ideation, what makes it more likely someone would consider such drastic measures, and what treatment options are available can save lives. If you or a loved […]
Unsure if you or someone close to you is doing well mentally? Learn about the top six warning signs you may need mental health treatment. Mental health illnesses are the most prominent type of health condition in the United States. According to the CDC, approximately 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness in […]
Shia LaBeouf is a renowned American actor who’s been in the spotlight for the better part of two decades. While he started acting on the Disney Channel in the early 2000s, his career blossomed into significant dramatic roles, and he later tried his hand at directing. Once on an upward career trajectory, Shia LaBeouf’s reputation […]
What’s the best emotional support animal for depression, and how can they help? Learn about different ESAs, their benefits and how to get one. When depression strikes, we can find comfort in the people around us — from licensed therapists to friends and family members. But what if you’ve exhausted all those support systems and […]
Depression rehab is one way to help deal with feelings of helplessness and extreme sadness. Knowing when to seek help is the key to getting your life back. All of us experience feelings of sadness and have symptoms of depression, but it can be difficult to determine whether we need depression rehab or not. Setbacks […]