Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is also known as an attention-seeking disorder, which is an apt description. People with this disorder live for attention and will do whatever they can to stay in the spotlight. Their sense of self-worth is dependent on the approval of others. HPD sufferers are viewed as overly dramatic, emotional and unpredictable. […]
Workplace stress due to interpersonal workplace conflicts can make daily life on the job unbearable, and the resulting anxiety or depression from various examples of interpersonal conflict can take a toll on your mental health. Imagine a workplace scenario where your boss openly loses their temper with you due to a mistake you made. They […]
As social creatures, we have an innate need to form close bonds with other people. While relationships can help us bloom, they can also drain us and reduce us to shadows of our true selves. The latter case is common, with 90% of Americans experiencing dysfunctional relationships. Thus, there’s a need to set boundaries, meaning […]
Stress is something that can affect people from all walks of life. Arming yourself with stress management techniques for work can help you stay productive and healthy. However, if the stress you’re faced with goes beyond tight deadlines at the end of a project and starts to interfere with your day-to-day life, it may be […]
Demi Lovato’s struggle with mental health issues has always been out in the open since they entered rehab in 2010. After a successful Disney acting career and the launch of their music career, they’ve had an ongoing public battle with substance abuse and eating disorders. After their diagnosis of bipolar disorder in 2011, they found […]
Throughout Mary’s childhood, her father, Joe, was chronically ill and would lie in a darkened room for weeks at a time. He would go to the emergency room complaining of headaches, and yet the results of any tests doctors performed would always come back normal. The entire household revolved around Joe’s care. It affected the […]
Since its genesis by Alcoholics Anonymous in the 1930s, the 12-step program remains one of the most widespread and effective alcohol and drug abuse interventions. As you go through the program, you’ll encounter the fourth step, which requests you to conduct an honest life evaluation to see how your character defects hinder your recovery journey. […]
Do you ever feel like you’re always involved in someone else’s problems, constantly picking up after people? Perhaps you don’t want people to think you’re cold or unhelpful, so you always say yes when they ask for help. If so, you’re not alone, but it’s important to know what kind of impact this can have […]
Mental illness can be a touchy subject. It’s difficult for some to talk about, let alone get treatment for. However, that’s beginning to change. We’re seeing more discussions on prevention and support and less judgment. Movements like Mental Health Awareness Month aim to provide information about and reduce the stigma of mental illness. The number […]
How many times have you experienced physical or mental symptoms that were out of the ordinary for you and turned to online resources for information rather than calling your doctor? It’s no surprise many people decide to use internet sites like WebMD and Google to self-diagnose rather than going to the doctor when 13% of […]