Can You Go to Rehab for Anger Issues?

Can you go to rehab for anger issues

Have you ever felt that your temper is beyond your control? Do you struggle to think rationally when you feel angry in the midst of a social situation? If these experiences are familiar to you, you might wonder whether there’s a way to treat anger issues in a professional setting with licensed health care practitioners. Fortunately, anger management rehab is a real option available to individuals who experience ongoing issues controlling their temper — sometimes as a result of conditions like intermittent explosive disorder.

Find out what legitimate mental health conditions can contribute to anger issues and what treatment options are available to you. Get your life back on track and improve the way you respond to situations in daily life with Restore in South Florida.

What Mental Health Disorders Cause Anger Issues?

Anger issues are often seen as a personality trait, but in many cases, they can result from a legitimate mental health disorder. Are anger control issues indicative of a condition/disorder? A 2016 Clinical Psychology Review found that there are five psychological conditions that can result in anger issues:

Anger issues are one of the signs that professionals look for when they are diagnosing an individual with one of these five disorders. If you have no diagnosed mental health disorders but are experiencing anger issues, talk to a medical professional about how to receive a diagnosis. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 2.8% of American adults had bipolar disorder in the last 12 months, making these conditions that can cause anger issues fairly prevalent in U.S. society.

Therapy Options at Restore to Manage Anger

Rehab anger management is a treatment program where participants learn how to regulate negative emotions. They are provided with tools and methods for coping with feelings of anger when they arise. Therapy for anger management is proven to be a highly effective treatment option.

There are various types of therapy that individuals trying to manage their negative emotions can participate in to see positive results. Talking to a therapist can help you recognize your triggers and create a plan for redirecting these emotions in a healthier way when you want to react negatively. This type of work is called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Other types of therapy that can be useful for individuals who are learning to deal with anger issues are:

  • Breathwork therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Expressive arts therapy

Therapists can also provide you with techniques and exercises for reducing stress and anger in daily life, such as progressive muscle relaxation or visualization. Throughout the course of therapy, you learn to recognize the signs of anger early on and make changes or implement these techniques to redirect that energy into something productive or positive.

How Long Does It Take for Anger Management Rehab to Work?

There is no guaranteed timeline for how long it takes to see the benefits of anger management rehab. The number of sessions over a 6-month period can range from 8 to 30 depending on what you can afford, how much time you’re willing to commit to working on your anger issues and what type of program you choose (inpatient vs. outpatient rehab).

Even after seeing improvement, it’s worthwhile to continue attending therapy at regular intervals for the foreseeable future. Think of therapy sessions as maintenance that can provide you with a constant collection of tools to care for your mental health.

Is There a Connection Between Anger Issues and Addiction?

As with many mental health disorders, there can be a connection between anger issues and addiction. Addiction itself is a disease, and it can result in a cycle of negative emotions, such as anger, which perpetuates further substance abuse. A study of young people, published in 2016, found that individuals aged 17-22 who had higher anger levels were more inclined to drink alcohol to the point of intoxication. They were also more likely to experience negative consequences as a result of their alcohol consumption.

Individuals who experience anger issues may also turn to substances, like alcohol, as a coping mechanism for their negative emotions. To avoid developing unhealthy habits like this, it’s essential to seek treatment for anger issues as soon as you become aware that they are a problem.

What Anger Management Rehab Can Do for Your Mood

Rehab addresses mood regulation, including anger issues, for a variety of mental health disorders. These include but are not limited to bipolar disorder, intermittent explosive disorder and borderline personality disorder. By working on emotional regulation, through therapy, medication or other treatment options, program participants learn to better manage their mood.

The causes of anger issues are not always clear prior to treatment. While they could be due to a pre-existing mental health disorder, some individuals develop anger issues as a result of childhood trauma, neglect or even high levels of stress. Therapy is an excellent option, regardless of the cause of your anger issues.

Some of the important emotional work that takes place in anger management rehabilitation programs include:

  • Developing awareness of emotions
  • Learning to identify and categorize emotions
  • Interpreting the meaning or reason for emotions
  • Understanding the physiological effects an emotion can have on your body
  • Learning to accept and endure emotions, even if they’re negative

Participating in an outpatient or inpatient program at Restore can provide you with the tools to better regulate your emotions in daily life. When you’re ready to take the first step toward mental wellness, get in touch with our team.

The Journey Starts at Restore

If you suspect you have an anger issue disorder, you’re not alone. Around 7.8% of the American population struggles with inappropriate, intense or poorly controlled anger. Luckily, there is help available at an anger management facility such as Restore in South Florida. Contact our team of compassionate staff to find out more about our programs.