Did you know a 2023 survey found less than half of all American workers use all their vacation days? Compared to many European countries, the United States already gives employees much less vacation time, so knowing that some people aren’t using all the PTO they’re given is quite shocking. Whether you spend time off at […]
Author Archives: Restore Mental Health
Depression is a serious mental health disorder affecting about 5% of the global population. It can severely impact a person’s life and cause a lot of distress for the people closest to them. If someone you love is depressed, you may be experiencing various emotions, including sadness, helplessness and frustration. Watching a loved one struggle […]
Loneliness is a feeling everyone experiences at some point in their lives. It can be caused by various factors, such as moving to a new place, losing a loved one or going through a divorce or breakup. While it’s normal to go through periods of loneliness, chronic social isolation can have serious long-term effects on […]
Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following a shocking, frightening or traumatic event. The condition can cause distressing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares and intrusive thoughts. Helping someone with PTSD and navigating the effects of PTSD on family members can be challenging, but it’s possible with the right knowledge and support. Below, we’ll explore […]
Romantic relationships can be complicated and involve a lot of effort and compromise. To maintain a healthy relationship, both partners need to display effective communication and conflict resolution skills. This can be even more difficult to do when you’re combating mental health issues. While having a partner can provide comfort and security, it can be […]
It’s not uncommon for someone struggling with addiction to also have a diagnosis of mental illness. It’s also not unusual for someone diagnosed with a mental illness to battle addiction. Approximately 32% of individuals with anxiety or depression have a substance abuse disorder. While it’s common for the two conditions to co-occur, it can still […]
College is a period of opportunity and self-discovery. But academic life also comes with new challenges and stressors. The buildup of these often results in a debilitating condition: student anxiety. Anxiety among students has grown into a full-blown mental health epidemic. A 2021 study found that over 80% of students reported that they experienced high […]
Anxiety can negatively impact every aspect of life, including your ability to perform well at work. It may cause you to worry excessively about the smallest details, making it difficult to stay on task and reach your full potential. Managing anxiety at work can be even more challenging without effective coping strategies or knowing how […]
The Digital Age has brought wonders — instant communication virtually anywhere in the world, access to the sum of human knowledge at the tap of a keyboard. Unfortunately, it also comes with the price tag of increasing anxiety. Social media is a particular culprit when it comes to technology anxiety, as usage is up to […]
Being an anxious parent isn’t that uncommon. Children can’t care for themselves and often get into trouble. As a parent, you may worry about their diet, if they’re making friends, if they’re happy, if they’re developing physically and mentally on time and more. Unfortunately, this anxiety can be incredibly intense for individuals with an anxiety […]