How Long Can Depression Last?

How long can depression last?

Depression is a condition that affects people from all walks of life. It’s estimated that in 2020, at least 2.1 million U.S. adults experienced at least one major depressive episode. When someone is living with depression, it can feel insurmountable, but help is available, and it is possible to recover. Here, we’ll explore the answers […]

Growing Up with a Parent with ADHD

Growing up with a parent with adhd

Although most of us have heard about the problems ADHD can cause children, fewer people are aware that the condition can persist into adulthood. According to recent studies, almost 7% of adults have symptomatic adult ADHD. In addition, around 70% of these experience issues with emotional dysregulation that include irritability and anger, which can significantly […]

Can You Go to Rehab for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Can You go to rehab for ocd?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, repetitive thoughts or behaviors. Often, the person has lived with this condition for a while and does not remember life before it, so they aren’t necessarily aware they even have OCD. And yet, treatment for OCD is essential to lessen the […]

Growing Up with a Parent with PTSD

Growing up with a parent with ptsd

Parenting is stressful under the best of circumstances. However, parenting with PTSD is even more so, especially if you haven’t received treatment to manage the symptoms of this mental health condition. Unfortunately, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is significantly more common than most people think. In fact, a little over 1 in 16 people struggle with […]

It It Healthy to Have a “Good Cry?”

IKs it healthy to have a good cry

What do a particularly tough day at work, the birth of a new family member and watching The Notebook have in common? They are all examples of times when it’s perfectly normal to shed a few tears. We all get choked up every now and again, but crying hasn’t always enjoyed broad social support. Crying […]

Does ADHD Count as a Disability?

Does ADHD count as a disability

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) classifies attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD as a neurodevelopment disorder, and it’s most often diagnosed in children. Symptoms include difficulty paying attention, impulsive behavior and constant activity. In children, it can lead to being forgetful and losing things, having poor impulse control and fidgeting excessively. But is ADHD […]

Dry Mouth/Grinding Teeth – Side Effects of SSRIs and What to Do

Dry Mouth and grinding teeth - Side effects of SSRIs

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are commonly prescribed medications for moderate to severe depression. Many people who take SSRIs report unwanted side effects that Include bruxism. In other words, you may find yourself grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw after taking this type of medication. If you experience SSRI antidepressant bruxism, discover why it […]