The Role of Group Therapy in PTSD Recovery

How Group Therapy helps PTSD

Group therapy is often maligned, especially in rehab, as being cheap — and not as good as individual one-on-one therapy. This is especially true among the more masculine cohort coming from the law enforcement and first responders community. The truth is that some of the most essential breakthroughs happen among peers. This article is about […]

“Money Dysmorphia” and Obsession About Finances

Money Dysmorphia - Finance Obsession

Picture this: You check your bank account balance multiple times a day, obsess over every small purchase and still feel like you’re not doing enough to secure your financial future. It’s an exhausting loop of anxiety and second-guessing, but for many people, it feels like the norm. This state of “money dysmorphia” goes beyond typical […]

PTSD Triggers: Common Types and How to Manage

PTSD Triggers - Common Types and how to manage

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a complex mental health condition that can profoundly impact a person’s daily life. In the United States, roughly 6% of the population will suffer from the effects of PTSD at some point in their lives. While every person’s experience with PTSD is unique, the triggers that can spark intense emotional and […]

“Snowplow Parenting” and Gen Zers’ Mental Health

Snowplow Parenting - GenZ

We’ve all heard the phrase “helicopter parents.” This term, coined in the 1980s, has been used for many decades to describe the overprotective, overinvolved parents that were common at the time. However, a new type of parenting style has become the latest concern: snowplow parents. What Is Snowplow Parenting? Snowplow parenting, also known as lawnmower […]

PTSD and Emotional Dysregulation

PTSD and Emotional Dysregulation

If you struggle to control your emotions or become easily overwhelmed, past trauma may be at fault. Traumatic experiences can have a long-lasting impact on mental and emotional health, affecting your ability to manage your emotions or reactions in certain situations. This is called emotional dysregulation. Emotional dysregulation is a common symptom of post-traumatic stress […]

The Link Between Mental and Physical health

Link between mental and physical health

Your body and mind are more connected than you might think. When one struggles, the other often follows. Stress can trigger migraines. Depression can sap your energy. Chronic pain can lead to anxiety. In this article, we explore how physical health affects mental health and how you can take actionable steps to improve your overall […]

Anxiety vs. Everyday Stress? The Differences

Anxiety vs. Everyday Stress? The Differences

Stress and anxiety are prevalent issues today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 12.5% of people over the age of 18 report regularly feeling nervous, worried or anxious. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) notes that around 83% of workers in the United States report work-related stress, with more […]

Heather Locklear: Transparency About Mental Health

Heather Locklear on her mental health

In the early 1990s, Heather Locklear was a rising star on television’s Melrose Place. The fantastical, romance-laden evening soap tackled a wide range of topics, including substance abuse and mental health. In the decades since, Locklear’s life has followed the same trend as she’s struggled with mental health and addiction challenges — often with the […]

What Is Manic Depression?

Understanding manic depression and how it affects you

Manic depression, now more commonly referred to as bipolar disorder, is a common mental health condition marked by extreme shifts in mood, energy and activity levels. According to Johns Hopkins, approximately 9.5% of American adults live with some form of depressive illness, including bipolar disorder. While the term “manic depression” is sometimes used casually to […]