Are you predisposed to mental health issues? Is there a way to find out, and if so, would you want to know? Your mental illness risks might not be such a big mystery for much longer. Scientists are getting closer to being able to identify markers for such things. But having a predisposition to something […]
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions in the country. Around 23% of Americans who sought mental health treatment in 2023 were diagnosed with it. But what causes depression in the brain? While most people have heard the condition described as a chemical imbalance, the science behind it is a bit more […]
The common phrase used to dismiss a person’s worries, “It’s all in your mind,” suggests that thoughts and feelings are isolated from the rest of the body. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Your mental health affects your physical well-being and vice versa. Thinking about mind-body wellness as a whole rather than two separate […]
Have you ever caught a whiff of a scent that immediately transported you somewhere else? Maybe you walked into a bakery and found yourself caught off guard by memories of baking apple pies with your grandma, or the scent of freshly cut grass brought back the childhood days of ripping up the soccer field. Scent […]
Social connectedness serves as a key component of overall health, helping individuals regulate their emotions, reducing rates of anxiety and depression and even protecting against serious illnesses and diseases. Despite the numerous options technology gives us to connect with others, over half of respondents in a recent Meta-Gallup survey reported feelings of loneliness at least […]
It may be common to hear that genes are involved in addiction. The idea that hormones play a part in addiction is less widely known. Yet hormones and hormone levels affect many health conditions, addiction included. What, specifically, is the interplay between hormones and addiction? Below we take a closer look at hormones associated with […]
Actress, comedian, radio show host, television host and podcaster – at 40 years old, Nikki Glaser’s impressive resume points to admirable dedication and hard work. Much of her life has been lived in the public eye, including her experiences with mental health. For those living with illnesses such as alcohol addiction, Glaser’s candidness and sobriety […]
Grieving before someone is gone, anticipatory grief, can happen with many prolonged medical conditions, especially those affecting the mind. It doesn’t follow traditional grief steps and may be more complicated. Here’s what to know about it and how to address this type of grief. Definition and Understanding of Anticipatory Grief Anticipatory grief is the grief […]
Do you find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media or the news? It can feel like seeing a train wreck in progress—you know you’re scared and you don’t want to see it, but you can’t tear your eyes away. “Doomscrolling,” or excessive consumption of negative news and media, can be bad for your mental health […]
The ability to age is a gift that not everyone is granted, but it comes with some unique stressors. Social isolation, the loss of friends and spouses and declining physical health can all contribute to mental health issues in older adults, particularly for those with untreated mental illnesses such as depression. According to recent data […]