Not Seeing Things: Mental Health with a Visual Impairment

Not Seeing Things

Vision loss impacts the way you experience and navigate the world. For many people, not only does it affect their ability to enjoy favorite hobbies, connect with loved ones and monitor their surroundings, but it can lead to a loss of confidence and independence. This often has a profound impact on their mental health. Fortunately, […]

Can Teletherapists Prescribe Medication?

Can Teletherapists Prescirbe

Growing numbers of people are turning to online therapy for help with mental health issues like anxiety or depression. In that process, one common question that comes up is whether teletherapists can prescribe medication. We’ll explore this and other related questions, starting with what a teletherapist does…. What Is a Teletherapist? Teletherapists are like traditional […]

Future Trends in Teletherapy: Innovations and Evolving Practices

Trends in Teletherapy

As long as the demand for teletherapy continues to rapidly grow, there will be more innovation in the various technologies that enable virtual mental health services. Here, we’ll take a look at future trends in online therapy and how advances like AI could play a role. Growing Popularity of Teletherapy Everyone wants convenience. This extends […]