Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Anticipatory Grief”: Grief Before Death

“Anticipatory Grief”: Grief Before Death

Grieving before someone is gone, anticipatory grief, can happen with many prolonged medical conditions, especially those affecting the mind. It doesn’t follow traditional grief steps and may be more complicated. Here’s what to know about it and how to address this type of grief. Definition and Understanding of Anticipatory Grief Anticipatory grief is the grief […]

The Mental Health Impact of Doom-Scrolling

Doom Scrolling Mental Health Impact

Do you find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media or the news? It can feel like seeing a train wreck in progress—you know you’re scared and you don’t want to see it, but you can’t tear your eyes away. “Doomscrolling,” or excessive consumption of negative news and media, can be bad for your mental health […]

Anxiety About Pregnancy

Anxiety About Pregnancy

While pregnancy is often an exciting time, most women feel at least some anxiousness over the upcoming changes. Whether it’s a first pregnancy or a fifth, concerns about health risks, lifestyle changes and shifts in family dynamics are normal. In some cases, pregnancy anxiety goes beyond the occasional jitters when thinking about the uncharted road […]

Anxiety About Upcoming Surgery

Anxiety about upcoming surgery

Fear and anxiety before surgery are normal feelings. Whether you’re going in for minor or major surgery or you need an emergency operation, it’s common to feel anxious. If you know the most common causes of preoperative anxiety, understand its symptoms and use practical coping techniques, you’ll be less stressed and better prepared for surgery. […]

What to Know About Lorazepam (Ativan)

What to Know - Ativan

Sometimes, people experience short-term, situational anxiety, such as after a traumatic event that triggers anxiety and insomnia. Medications like lorazepam (also known by its brand name “Ativan”) can help manage those symptoms for short-term relief. Before taking lorazepam, it’s good to inform yourself about how it works, what the likely side effects are, and how […]

Common Misconceptions About Grief

The common myths and beliefs about grief

If you’ve ever lost someone, you’re familiar with grief. Yet, myths about grief can interfere with the grieving process. So, it’s essential to understand what grief is and what it isn’t. Introduction to the Grieving Process Psychologists talk about grief as a process. In simple terms, grieving occurs in stages and takes time. However, while […]

Clonazepam (Klonopin)

What to know about taking Klonipin

Seizure disorders can have a serious impact on an individual’s quality of life, putting them at an increased risk of injury, hospitalization and mortality while taking a toll on their mental health and self-confidence. Clonazepam is a powerful medication that helps to control seizures in both adults and children, helping them lead more stable and […]

What to Know About Taking Lithium

What you should know before taking lithium

The medication lithium is primarily used as a mood stabilizer in certain mental illnesses. Lithium is an anti-manic drug that helps combat symptoms of mood disorders, including mania, hypomania, and depression. As a drug, lithium is most commonly a treatment for bipolar disorder, but it can also help with schizophrenia and limit certain aggressive or […]